Passenger 1 information
Passenger 2 information
Passenger 1 & 2 information
Please check and pay the correct amount to our bank account...
Tour Company Ltd, BNZ Manurewa Account number: 02 0358 0017683 000
Please include a trip reference in the deposit details, along with your surname.
TERMS AND CONDITIONS EXTRACT (For full set of Terms and Conditions refer to website)
Changes to itinerary - We reserve the right to vary the itinerary as necessary, including amending and deleting items including but not limited to
pre, post and tour/cruise accommodation, transfers, transportation, meeting points and attractions due to availability and conditions.
Currency fluctuation - Due to the low cost of your travel and as payment for a substantial portion of this tour is in a foreign currency we reserve the
right to adjust the final cost should the comparative value of the NZ/AU dollar or destination currency deteriorate. This is applicable where final
payment has not been received.
Client cancellations and amendments - Cancellation of tour booking following registration - loss of deposit, unless covered by loss of deposit option.
For cancellations 180 days prior of scheduled departure - loss of 50% of total tour cost. Cancellations 61 to 179 days prior to scheduled departure
loss of 75%. Cancellation within 60 days of scheduled departure - no refund. Plus, in all cases any additional supplier deductions applicable at that
time, airfares, cruises, entrances, activities or penalties as applicable. A minimum amendment fee of $150, plus any supplier charges will apply for
amendments to your bookings after confirmation. There is no refund for any unused services.
Force Majeure rules apply. It is the responsibility of travellers to acquaint themselves with the destination, climate, health and official travel advisory
notices, and to obtain their own advice on medical or other precautions, and the entry requirements applicable to each destination.
Travel insurance - It is a requirement that you take out a fully comprehensive travel insurance policy for tours and cruises. This insurance is to in-
clude full cover for loss of deposits as well as medical treatment and special services covers. Please note that where cover is not provided by The
Travel Warehouse and that in the case of a claim, an assistance service fee of $150 will apply where assistance is requested by the insurer or client.
Travel prices advised are the discounted price for direct bank deposit. Any fees for credit card use are at buyers expense.
Invoices are payable upon presentation and late payment or cancellation fees apply.
Escorted group tour departures are subject to change and to minimum booking numbers. We are resellers of travel products and services supplied
by other suppliers and do not accept responsibility for changes, variations in standards, errors or omissions or failure to deliver products or services.
The tours do involve walking and other activities and an average level of fitness is required. In the event of limited mobility this should be declared
at time of registration as it may be necessary for you to make arrangements to be accompanied by a support person.
This registration is accepted subject to the full set of Terms and Conditions, available on request and as stated on our website The applicant confirms acceptance of the full Terms and Conditions by signing below.